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Author: Terri

Landscapes Will Soon Be Released!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000037_00012]This past few months I have been busy writing and putting together my new book Landscapes.  It is a collection of poetry – 34 new poems written in the past two years and 7 favourite poems published in my previous book, Dreamer.

It is hard work to produce a book – and it is also very rewarding.  While many steps along the path to publication come with some not-so-welcome opportunities to practice character-building skills such as patience, perseverance and diligence, there are also many occasions of experiencing gratitude.  As I worked through the process, I was sometimes side-tracked by feelings of self-doubt and vulnerability about putting my words and thoughts out into the world.  I had to remind myself of the pleasure I get when I read a poem that resonates with my soul… a poem that some other poet has decided to share with the world.  I also remembered the many times that people have shared with me about how my poetry has affected them.  So I am grateful to other people – for writing and sharing poetry and for being interested in mine.

It is exciting when a book is done.  I am anticipating the pleasure of holding the book in my hands, leafing through the pages and experiencing that wondrous feeling of “Wow… I did this!”   I will let you know when Landscapes is available and how to get it so that you, too, can hold it in your hands.  🙂